Table of Contents


Core Values

My core values are encapsulated in the company name. I chose the name “Full Tilt Group” for a few reasons. First, I believe that rapid action is key to success. Planning is necessary, but once a plan is developed, swiftly implementing that plan allows you to keep momentum.

Second, the name is a reference to Don Quixote and tilting at windmills. Our motto is “tackling any problem you can imagine”. While the phrase “tilting at windmills” is taken to mean “tackling imaginary troubles instead of real ones”, I appreciate this essay by Dr. Ryan Prendergast and his more favorable interpretation of the phrase. I want to strive to be the Sancho Panza that stands by your company when you struggle and helps you grow.

Third, I specifically chose “group” because, while I am currently a single man, my goal is to create a network of companies and contractors that can work together and make each other more successful. I have already worked with a broad range of people from the wood products industry, machining industry, firearms industry, plastics industry, and robotics industry. I have worked with everyone from forklift operators to nanotechnologists.

This company exists to both provide a broad range of abilities and to refer more specialized companies if your needs our outside my ability. I want to streamline the process of research, development, and manufacturing.

Who Am I

Robert Kuyper